

Tax Tips

In 2013, the IRS launched a new method for claiming a deduction for the work-from-home workforce. Find out if it’s right for you!

Posted September 7, 2014

To file separately or to file jointly, that is the question.

If you were married this past wedding season, congrats! And now is a good time to think about how you’ll file your taxes in 2015.

As a legally married couple, you now have 2 filing options:

Posted August 29, 2014

Take the vacation you really want to go on. Start planning now for next year’s and you’ll be so happy you did.

Vacations are not clearly priced. Even if you buy some packaged deal, there’s always some cost that’s not accounted for. Here’s some tips on how to plan for next years vacation.

Posted August 22, 2014

Getting paid next year for this year’s could be a great benefit to you!

Posted August 15, 2014

When it comes to making a budget, good intentions only go so far. Find out how to keep your budget realistic.

If you’re a local artist or craftsman that’s turned your passion into a business, you’re quickly finding out the reality and needs of budgeting. Here are 3 common errors you’ll want to avoid:

Posted August 8, 2014

Don’t wait until the last minute to itemize your deductions!

Starting to itemize now will greatly help you avoid stress when it gets to be tax season again. Here are some things to keep in mind to be prepared.

Posted July 28, 2014

Determining what’s a business travel expense and what’s not can be a very gray area. Find out how to clear up the confusion.

Posted July 21, 2014

Roth IRAs can be mystifying with all the conflicting information out there.

Investments in Roth IRAs are quite simple to understand despite what financial ads that run during major sporting events would lead you to believe.

Posted July 14, 2014

Saving for retirement shouldn’t be complex. Here’s how to keep it simple.

The number 1 thing to keep in mind when saving for retirement is consistency. Overthinking elaborate investment schemes is not as effective as it is to keep things simple and invest on a regular basis.

Posted July 7, 2014

Will your itemized deductions for 2013 be right around the standard reduction amount? If so, you can bundle expenses for every other year and claim the standard deduction in the in between years. Over two years, this will significantly cut how much income you’re taxed on.

Posted June 26, 2014