


Have you just closed on the purchase of your first home? If so, then a congratulations is in order! After years of dreaming and planning for what it would be like to finally have your very own home the dream has become a reality. You can now claim your own little piece of heaven!

Posted May 23, 2016
Investment Strategies

A Roth IRA is a form of individual retirement plan that resembles, except for certain key elements, the traditional IRA individual retirement plan. The more notable differences between the traditional IRA and the Roth IRA lie in the rules that govern their contributions and withdrawals.

Posted May 19, 2016

In a previous article posted in February 2016 we discussed the Family and Medical Leave Act of 1993 (FMLA). In this article, we will discuss what the Paid Family Leave Act (PFL) is and how it works as an adjunct to the FMNA. The FMNA and PFL work together; they do not cancel each other out or replace the other.

Posted April 27, 2016
Business Strategies

Before entering a discussion of ways to grow your business it would be worthwhile to investigate what growth really is.

Posted April 21, 2016

Big changes are coming to over-time policy.

Posted April 18, 2016
Business Tips

Crowdfunding is a tool that provides an alternative to more traditional forms of financing available from banks and other institutions.

Posted April 15, 2016
Tax Reduction Strategies

Income tax reform and President Trump are not exactly my two favorite topics. However, understanding the impact on various income tax deductions and tax credits brought about by President Trump’s attempt to “make things better” vis-à-vis tax reform should not be ignored.

Posted March 29, 2016
IRS & Credit Issues

The IRS issued a worrisome warning on Tuesday, March 1, 2016: payroll and human resources departments should beware of an email phishing scheme in which cybercriminals pose as company executives (including C

Posted March 25, 2016
IRS & Credit Issues

Are you seeking financial relief from a tax liability for an amount less than the full amount owed?

Posted March 22, 2016
Tax Planning

The following questions and answers provide information to individuals of the same sex who are lawfully married (same-sex spouses). These questions and answers reflect the policy outlined in Revenue Ruling 2013-17 in 2013-38 IRB 201.

Posted March 20, 2016