

Budgeting Tips

Having to manage personal finances is one of the stressful realities that makes up a part of normal daily living. As a single person managing his or her finances, he or she doesn’t have to be concerned with coordinating financial management efforts with anyone else.

Posted December 28, 2016
Deductions (Loans/Donations)

Before making your next donation to your favorite charity you might want to do some research. Do you really know to whom you’re donating? Do you know the charity’s stated mission? How much of your donation goes toward achieving the charity’s mission?

Posted December 20, 2016
Business Tips

Expanding a company’s business (or an aspect of its business) internationally might be a good thing. It all depends on a number of variables that need to be closely examined.

Posted December 12, 2016

When a real estate investor or consumer puts money in the residence where he or she will live, that investment is often among the most expensive that he or she will make.

Posted December 9, 2016

In the real estate lending world there is typically something called a “Pre-Approval” letter or a “Pre-Qualification” letter.

Posted November 28, 2016
Deductions (Loans/Donations)

A disaster loss is a loss attributed to a casualty occurring in an area declared by the President of the United States to be a disaster area entitled to federal assistance. Thus, in order to qualify as a disaster loss, the loss must also qualify as a casualty.

Posted November 20, 2016

Brexit is an abbreviation for the term “British exit.” On June 23, 2016, a referendum was passed by voters in the United Kingdom approving the exit of the United Kingdom from the European Union.

Posted November 11, 2016

In our May 2015 newsletter article “Understanding Reverse Mortgages,” we presented an overview of what reverse mortgages are all about.

Posted November 4, 2016
Tax Strategies

If you’re an investor who is looking to sell property, IRC Sec 1031 has good news for you: you can defer any and all capital gains by reinvesting the proceeds of your sale into new property. As IRC Section 1031 (a)(1) states:

Posted October 26, 2016
Tax Planning

Many people use the term “tax planning,” but it is often misunderstood. It is the art of learning how to manage your affairs in ways that postpone or avoid taxes. Skilled tax planning means more money to save and invest, and it can make the tax season more of a financial boost instead of a financial burden.

Posted October 24, 2016